Ending the 'PRINTS 2020' EXHIBITION

Our current print exhibition at the Ilkley ‘Art Shop/Gallery’ will be drawing to a close at the end of the month. In these especially difficult times, I’d like to say thank you to the many visitors who have made an effort to see our work, - and even for a second time!

if you’ve discovered my linoprints for the first time, I would urge you to take a look through my website www.mikesmithprints.co.uk. The site reflects the depth and range of my pintmaking over the last twelve years. My website also highlights the materials, processes and techniques involved.

Finally, I’d like to thank Sue in particular for all her curating and for her helpful encouragement.

NEW PRINT - A Dunnock

I’ve just completed this ten colour reduction linoprint of a House Sparrow. This little chap must have had a nest near by and for much of May it would perch on our fence and sing its heart out. Remarkably tame, it let me get within a few feet and let me take photos that became the basis for the print. Its plumage is, perhaps not as flamboyant as some other garden birds, it nevertheless, has a subtle colouring, a joyous call and a character that deserves recording.

The print measures 195 x 165mm. It is printed on Bristol board in T.N.Lawrence oil based printing inks.



This stage involved two colours. Stage 11, the blue base with added Payne’s Grey but no reducing base, and stage 12, an over print with a second lino shape to give extra form to the block of stone in the right foreground with the centre’s name and logo incised into it. The colour was reducing base with a smidgen of burnt umber and a pin prick of strong yellow.

Well, that’s it! I hope the client is happy with the print!!
